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Our Campus

Hillel at NYIT serves a tight-knit Jewish community on an urban campus near Columbus Circle. At NYIT, Hillel offers Jewish learning and Israel education programs, leadership opportunities, coffee dates with Hillel staff and interns, and so much more! Hillel is a great way to make friends and find a community on campus. Plus, being a part of Hillel at NYIT also connects Jewish students to our other schools in Manhattan, coming together for off-campus events around NYC, shabbatons, conferences, and more.

 Our Community

Jewish students at NYIT come from all over NYC and the country. Many students live in the dorms on campus or in an apartment with roommates, and many others also commute from home across the NYC boroughs.

NYIT is made up of doers, makers, and innovators. Common majors include, computer science, cybersecurity, biotech, architecture and engineering. 

Campus Highlights

We are committed to providing a welcome and inclusive environment for our students, employees, alumni and friends. Whether you are a student or visiting campus, we hope our facilities and services will make you comfortable on our campuses.

Upcoming Events

We always have something new going on at our campus. Check out our events calendar below for the latest in Jewish events and activities.