Career Support and Professional Development

Karen Klein
Career Counseling
Our incredible career counselors, Karen Klein and Michael Gaudio help prepare students for the future through one-on-one coaching sessions.
Karen and Michael are here to help guide you through all of this and more! While on campus, Karen and Michael are with us on-site once a week to meet with students. During this remote time, they are available virtually.
How do I write a cover letter? What are some helpful tips for interviews?
How do I find a job/internship?
I need an elevator pitch, where do I start?

Michael Gaudio
Job & Internship Connections
Networking Events & Workshops
Hillel has many connections across a variety of industries. The majority of our students work while they are in school or are looking for a job post-graduation. Check out our listing below, updated daily. Throughout the year, Hillel hosts a variety of networking events and skills workshops to support students in furthering their careers. Students have the opportunity to network with alumni, leaders in the Jewish community, and more. Workshops have included Mock Interviews, Resume Building, and industry-specific events. Email Yael Brenner if you have any questions or plan to apply to these opportunities.