Love Shines Through Darkness: Zhanna's Second Family
When it was announced that in-person classes were suspended, I thought: “What about Hillel?” A few months earlier, before I came to Hillel, I was ready to transfer. My name is Zhanna Olevskaya, I immigrated to Brooklyn from Ukraine when I was 2 years old. Coming from the Former Soviet Union, Judaism wasn’t a major part of my life, so Hillel didn’t seem like a place for me. But when my friend finally brought me along, I found my second family.
Living at the epicenter of the pandemic, my mom, a hospital nurse, was diagnosed with COVID-19 and could no longer work. When my dad also got sick, I had to take care of my younger siblings in addition to my online course- work. With both parents unable to work, our income suffered.
Then, I noticed a subtle cough and after a few days it became much worse. I was embarrassed to tell my friends. A Hillel staff member checked in on me and I finally revealed that I had coronavirus. Hillel staff jumped into action; they offered my family food, financial aid, and even resources for WiFi. My Hillel family constantly checked in on me. Hillel lifted my family from our darkest times.
My family is healthy now, but the emotional and financial impact was scaring. Every step of the way, Hillel has been there for me with access to resources, emotional support, and awesome online programs that keep my spirits up during quarantine.
None of this would have been possible without your support, and for that I am so grateful. I can’t wait to give back to my Hillel family as an Executive Board Member. Hillel will back stronger than ever.